Columbia High School Class of 1990

Reunion Pictures

Yearbook Pictures

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Reunion Photos

Since you can't remember much about the reunion, here's some help for that fuzzy memory...
If anyone has more reunion pictures, let me know.


Vanessa Zipfel-White and Melaney Hill


Julie Saslow-Winkler

Vanessa Zipfel-White and Jen Mosberg

The scene at the bar...

Jen Mosberg and Jay Wilcoxson

Mimi, Nicole, Jen

Kim Plona-Morales

Nicole, Sura, Kyle

Nicole Rapp and Eleanor Gil

Gail, Sura, Jessica

Nicole Rapp and Dan Eatman

Jim and Julie Sing the Blues (or, the alma mater)

Maura (s.o.), Dan, Craig

The Bar - feat. Abinov and Melissa

Mark Manigan and Mike Laskowski

Mavi Thorpe and Dan Eatman

Pete Heller crashes the sig other table

More at the bar

Fabienne Lussan and Sura Steck-Michaelson

Amy (Alex) and Evan

Mimi Arnstein and Jim Doyle

Sura Steck-Michaelson and Jessica Tarnow

Roderick, Melaney, Dan, Mavi

Julie and Vanessa

Justin Edelman and Kevin McCormick

Kim and Dan

More to come...