Columbia High School Class of 1990

Reunion Pictures

Yearbook Pictures

Email Directory

Columbia High School Class of 1990

New: Reunion Photos

Yup, lots of images from the reunion - and lots more to come. As always, enjoy...

Reunion Recap:

After some last minute re-scheduling, the reunion came off without a hitch. A medium-sized but enthusiastic turnout enjoyed a lot of catching up, an open bar, and a dance floor that was kind of like Saturday Night Fever meets Twister. Many thanks to Mike Laskowski, whose efforts allowed us an appropriate time and forum for drunken revelry.

Message Board

Now that we've seen each other and promised to keep in touch, keep letting us know what you're up to. For those of you that couldn't make the reunion, get in the game and start catching up on the Message Board...

New York Times Article on CHS

The New York Times published an article this summer about CHS and growing up in South Orange and Maplewood as part of the series "How Race is Lived in America". Check it out here. You may have to register with the Times website, but it's free and it only takes a minute.

If you've got an idea or suggestion for things we can do with this site, post it on the message board or send me an email using the link below.

Your Host,

Peter Heller
We got pictures...
Email pictures if you want them posted on the site.

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